w204 Steering Lock Failure How to Fix

w204 Steering Lock Failure How to Fix

w204 Steering Lock Failure How to Fix

w204 Steering Lock Failure. By reading this post you would be advised to get in touch with us and request our specific service “Fix w204 Steering Lock Failure now”. If this is exactly what you need – call us at (07)32767969 . This is our mobile service – we can fix your vehicle right where your vehicle is or alternatively, you are welcome to load your precious “Merc” or the tow truck and send it to one of our workshops.

What makes the W204 steering Lock fail?

The ESL w204 steering lock failure (ELV) module fails & locks the steering wheel due to a myriad of factors. We can start our discussion with dirt or dust and or overuse (meaning it just defaults for some unknown reason) or even voltage spikes. The result of the above-described reason is the “locked” position of your steering wheel.

By now you have already most probably noticed this prevents your car or van from being started or being driven. People are stranded, and businesses go on “hold”. What a joy huh? Overall we know it is a bad situation.

You most likely need help – as usual – “yesterday”. As you would appreciate anyone in any part of the world who has experienced this issue knows that it is frustrating and would be more than happy to hear that someone finally can come & fix “w204 Steering Lock Failure”. Preferably using a good solution for the very nasty problem.

Fixing w204 Steering Lock Failure

Well, this is what we at Brisbane Tuning and Turbo can do for you. Our solution allows us to remove the error (delete the code) N.B. a normal mobile mechanic usually does not know how to help- yet would most likely charge you a call-out fee. Once we unlock the ELV (ESL), you will be able to start your vehicle and continue driving attending your daily business.

Your “w204 Steering Lock Failure” needs to be “unlocked” using a specific technique and special tools.
We work with all FBS4 ELV (ESL) modules from all manual cars and vans of the fourth DAS generation.

Our call-out fee is $350. For that we come & fix your vehicle – no additional fees or charges.